Make an Abstract Art Intention Deck for 2022
- Set your intention for 2022 by creating a deck of 7 abstract watercolor cards and learn to paint in a series!
Read more about the experience here!
- No experience required. Workshops details below:
- Please select your workshop
- 2 workshop dates available:
- Saturday, January 29- Shipping cut off for materials (limited availability) January 24, 2022 registration deadline January 28, 2022
- Class details:
- 4.5 hours of live instruction
- 1 post-class question to the instructor via DMs (video response) for first 50 students
- Includes Recording
- Downloadable Process Painting Cheat Sheets
- Materials lists
About Materials:
You can choose to use your own materials or select a curated materials box including liquid watercolors, spray bottle, 2 brushes, ceramic trays, and various items to use on your artwork.
Premium boxes includes items such as color changing paints, chrome paint, cold wax, and/or high quality metallics. These are the materials I use in my own studio practice. Both black watercolor paper and cold press paper are included.
All boxes include precut 4x5 cards and test high grade watercolor paper. If you choose to use your own materials, it is recommended that you have 14 pieces of very small paper to work with to complete your paintings in the allotted time.