Automatic Painting
This self-paced workshop facilitates automatic painting through 2 separate 1-hour sessions with prompts to create a space for automatism within the student. All levels welcome. Connect with your unconscious mind and create art with your inner child.
This workshop is part guided mediation and part process lesson. Included is a 30 minute presentation on automatism and approaches to intuitive painting.
This class is in development and currently available at a pre-sale rate.
February 22, 2022
Email subscribers and previous students who sign up now can receive this class for $5 at pre-sale. Must have been subscribed before 2/22
February 23, 2022 - March 15, 2022
Workshop will be available for non-subscribers at $15 pre-sale.
March 16, 2022 - April 1, 2022
Workshop available for everyone at $25 presale.
April 2, 2022
Workshop goes live with daily email and video prompts for mark making. Available for immediate access (1 email per day). $50